For students
The launch of the 'Data and Systems Science Specialist for Industry 4.0 Solutions' training is particularly timely today, given the growing demand for digital transformation of production systems and supply chains. Currently, there is no training programme that provides a unified education in systems theory, process engineering and data science for the application of Industry 4.0 technologies. Despite the development of data science and Industry 4.0 technologies, there is still a shortage of professionals who can effectively integrate these technologies into industrial developments. Both the Industry 4.0 National Technology Platform and economic partners have confirmed that there is a huge demand for a workforce with such skills. The aim of this training is to equip participants with the skills needed to combine data science analysis with industrial development, and to develop innovative Industry 4.0 solutions. The programme is a niche in the market, as it teaches the practical application of modern technologies, enabling participants to become competitive and sought-after industry professionals.